Everything in life has a start date; everything in life has an end date. That’s even true with our lives! After 10½ years of airing daily messages on “CrossHope” on the Family Talk Channel on Sirius/XM, the board of this ministry made the decision to end this ministry on December 31, 2020. We are grateful to you as our listeners and supporters! Personally, I want to express my gratitude to the faithful board members who supported this ministry for over a decade! Most of all, we are grateful to the Lord for His direction, guidance, and provision for this ministry!
To God be the Glory!
Randy Snyder
Dear Randy,
So enjoy your messages. My wife and I listen to your sermon series every morning. We are currently listening to The God who will not leave you alone. I was wondering if you could send me the Joseph Bailey prayer that stared “Lord of reality, make me real…”
Thank you for your ministry.
Larry Goyette
Sad indeed Crosshope leaving the web and SiriusXM.
Cindy and I depend on your teaching Randy!
Happy New Year!
Mark Merchant
Cindy Osborne Merchant
Continue Listening to Randy’s Messages at His Home Church’s Website:
The Lord is using you in a powerful way. We are in awe of how He has used Cross Hope messages to speak personally and consistently to us each week. We were blessed to have Randy as our senior pastor for 18 years. Now we can hear his messages any time, any where. I am so grateful and blessed our God continues to use Randy’s gift as he speaks truth and love into our lives in such mighty ways. May God’s abundant blessings be upon you and Cross Hope, my friend.
In Christ’s Love, Carol and Laird Smith
Amen! What a gift he is to the body of Christ!
The prayer by Pastor Ed Towne is one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard. Is there a possible way that could be written or typed, or posted somehow? I would like to pray that prayer or get as close to it as I can. But I can’t remember it all.
Hi Bill,
We are sorry, but being the small ministry we are, we just don’t have the resources to transcribe our broadcasts.
We are thankful that you are a CrossHope listener and we would pray that you would continue to be!
Warm Regards,
CrossHope Webmaster
I want to thank you for your ministry, I listen to you on XM radio.When you whisper to make your point I don’t understand what you’re saying!
Pastor Ed Towne
Lord, I offer myself to you, not just part of me, but all of me.
Lord here are my eyes.Help me to see the good in others, to focus on Jesus Christ above all else.Lord help me to weep over the hurts and lostness of people.
Lord, here are my ears.Use them to hear the cries of the hurting, the lonely, the oppressed, the discouraged people.
Help me to hear your voice, your still small voice, and whatever you want me to do and be.
Lord, here is my mouth.Use it to speak only your words, no slander, no backbiting, no criticism, no tearing down of other people, only words that build up
Lord, here are my hands.Use them to reach out with deeds of kindness to extend a pat on the back, not a slap in the face.
Lord, here are my arms, Use them to share a hug of encouragement and comfort to anyone at anytime.
Lord, here are my legs and feet.Use them to go where ever you want me to go.To stand firm when all else seems shaky.To walk in your ways no matter how difficult it may seem to be.
Lord, here is my back.Use it to bear burdens with others and to carry my share of the load.
Lord, here is my mind.Use it to dream, to plan, to think on whatever is excellent and worthy of praise.Help me to set it fully on things above, not on earthly things.
Lord here is my heart.Use it to love as Christ loved, to serve as Christ served, and to care with compassion.
Here I am Lord.Use me, all of me, every moment, every day, every opportunity to be the salt of the earth, the light of the world for your glory and honor.
(found at, https://gregmarsh1.wordpress.com/2018/02/27/a-prayerby-pastor-ed-towne/ )
The quote Randy used on the Thursday, Jan 25, 2018 broadcast has been attributed to Leonard Ravenhill.
“The greatest miracle that God can do today is to take an unholy man out of an unholy world, and make that man holy and put him back into that unholy world and keep him holy in it.”
Randy, on your broadcast for Wed 27 Sept and Thu 28 Sept you quoted a quiz by Steve Arteburn about the “unhealed wounds” in our lives. Would it be possible if you can email me a scan of the quiz or give me the website where I can find it? It really talked to my life and I would like to share it. Thank you.
Unfortunately, for now we only have our digital media, delivered over the Internet. However, you are welcome to download any of our programs, including the one where Randy talks about the Steve Arteburn quiz, to your computer desktop. That download is accomplished by clicking on the down arrow next to the player button on any of our programs and following the instructions.
Thanks for inquiring and thank you so much for being a CrossHope listener!
Warm Regards,
CrossHope WebMaster
I enjoy your program every morning on WFCJ.
On September 6 you spoke of man Joseph Bailey, I think that was his name,he and his wife lost 3 sons, and read a prayer that he prayed…I would like to have a copy of that prayer. Where can I find it?
Hi Shelly,
Thank you so much for being a CrossHope listener! Following is a copy of the prayer you asked for!
Lord of reality / make me real / not plastic / synthetic / pretend phony / an actor playing out his part / hypocrite.
I don’t want / to keep a prayer list / but to pray.
Nor agonize to find Your will / but to obey what I already know / to argue / theories of interpretation / but submit to Your Word.
I don’t want / to explain the difference / between eros and philos / and agape, but to love.
I don’t want / to sing as if I mean it / I want to mean it.
I don’t want / to tell it like it is / but to be it / like You want it.
I don’t want / to think another needs me / but I need him / else I’m not complete.
I don’t want / to tell others how to do it / but to do it / to have to be always right / but to admit it / when I’m wrong.
I don’t want / to be a census taker / but an obstetrician or an involved person / a professional / but a friend.
I don’t want / to be insensitive / but to hurt / where other people hurt / nor to say / I know how you feel / but to say God knows and I’ll try / if you’ll be patient with me / and meanwhile I’ll be quiet.
I don’t want / to scorn the cliches / or others / but to mean everything I say / including this.
(Source: Joseph Bayly, Psalm of My Life [Wheaten: Tyndale House, 1969], 40)
Warm Regards,
CrossHope WebMaster
I love listening to Crosshope. I notice at times you mention places in Ohio. Do you still teach there and if so where?
I’m preaching around Ohio and Kentucky so far, as well as mission trips in India, Dubai, and Germany.
Each message I give provides 5 days of radio for CrossHope.
Thanks for being a great CrossHope listener!
Randy Snyder
I heard Crosshope for the first time recently. As I listened my ears heard something. Slander. I can slander someone very about anything. I want to hear more from Crosshope. It stirred my heart. Changing my Heart for Jesus is my goal. Thank you
What is the Bible referring to when it says living blameless lives without spot or wrinkle???
Hi Gary,
The passage you’re referencing is from Ephesians 5 where the Apostle Paul is talking about the purity and the holiness of the church, the Body of Christ. The NIV Study Bible has this note: “Holiness is the result, NOT the basis, of God choosing us. It is referring to the holiness that is imparted (or credited) to the believer because of what Christ did on the cross.”
Paul in Romans 3:21-22 states that we have a “righteousness from God, apart from the Law….this righteousness from God comes through faith in Christ Jesus to all who believe.” There’s no boasting on our part, just humble thanksgiving to the God who saved us through His Son!
Thank you for being a CrossHope listener!
God Bless,
Randy Snyder
What a blessing to hear your voice Randy, you are greatly missed at Crossview. The way you delivered God’s message every Sunday is greatly missed. I had never felt closer to God when you spoke. If you are at another church I would greatly appreciate knowing where. God bless!
Randy, your five minutes each morning as I drive to work, means so much to me. I love your program and your teaching is obviously anointed by God himself. Thank you for what you bring each day to so many of us. I pray for your ministry always.
I was looking for an old message about woundedness,when we feel like God has failed us. I believe the message number was 5364. How do I find that in your archives if I do not know the date of the broadcast?
Thank you for being a CrossHope listener.
We have searched our database and have not found a message containing the references you’ve given. The message number you’ve given is outside of our current numbering, as we are only up to #3566. Is there any additional information you can provide?
In your service,
CrossHope Webmaster
I know that you will not receive this easily because of your humility, but you possess great wisdom and your simple yet deep approach to teaching God’s Word is such a blessing! Thank you for your ministry. It has had and continues to have a profound and positive impact on my life! God bless you!
Thank you for your ministry. I listen to you everyday on my drive to work. I get so much out of your 5 minute program. God bless you and your ministry.
Luke 8: 22 – 25; Oct. 14, 2016
Dear Randy,
Your message from Luke about the storms of life and how Christ is in the boat through all weather was timely for me.
My earthly father, Sherwood Alonzo Merchant Jr., is slowly dying in home hospice care. He has defied odds and lasted in his body much longer than anyone predicted. As the storm of death closes in on the family, I placed my iPhone on his pillow so Dad could hear the last section of the message that even in death Christ is in the boat with us.
Thank you for this powerful message,
God Bless you,
Mark Sherwood Merchant
Your preaching this week titled Conflict,Criticism, and Condemnation was a message the whole church and believers everywhere needs to hear! Slanderous accusations and bitterness breaks many a family and quenches the Holy Spirit in the church. It’s the tool Satan uses most effectively against the ministry of the Gospel! Please send me a CD of the whole message if it’s available.
Hi Cheryl,
Thank you so much for being a CrossHope listener! We are still a small ministry and unfortunately, do not produce physical media at this time.
However,if you will look on our home page under’This Week’, The first message we present is our podcast of the entire week’s messages. Just click on the down arrow beside the audio player and you will be able to download the entire week’s message to your computer.
I hope this fulfills your request. Thanks again for being a listener.
Warm Regards,
CrossHope Tech Support
The words you bring, give me inspiritation and love for
Jesus and sets my heart on fire for Him
God bless you more beyond His grace ✝
I Thank GOD for the Blessing you are to me with your love from GOD
Thank you for the five minutes of Cross Hope I receive each morning during my drive to work!
I would also like a copy of the poem from today about the Vietnam soldier.
If you will click on the downward arrow on the 12/17 message, it will give you the option to download the message to your computer.
Thanks for being a CrossHope listener!
Yesterday BLUEPRINT of our lives ( Legacy) & today TRUST how we TRUST God & Jesus for our eternity but what about trusting NOW with our lives & situations so blessed me, I shared it with others. Love your WORDS that speak to our hearts & minds.
Trusting Him, In His Time!
I listen to you each night at 11:25 on xm radio I drive a tractor trailer for UPS so I have nothing but time the listen and think I love your program its the high light of the night I listen to some other programs but yours makes me hungry for more of the word you have a God given talent to speak the word in away that people can understand it I only wish that someday you will have a longer program Thank You and may God continue to bless you and your program
I love listening to ‘certain-key’ ministers on Sirius as I drive through Dallas traffic on my way to the office and home again each day. The oddest thing is, I get as much or more Christian-life insight from of your 5-minute talks with me (you do talk to me) as I do from many who preach for 30-minutes. You have a God given way of succinctly stating just what I need to hear each morning. How do you do that? I’m going to add you to four others to whom I send support because I know and believe you are the ‘real deal’ and I so enjoy you.
I would like to purchase a c/d or DVD of the, “Tongue Piercing”. Are these available for purchase?
My husband heard your message on the power of the tongue..he asked me to listen..we have been struggling after some harsh words exchagned. We are in very different places….with our faith I believe and it is my daily prayer for God to bring us closer together….to fill our hearts with the holy spirit to be kinder to each other. This message, for me, was a great place to start….it has allowed me to begin the forgiveness process and I am greatful for your ministry. Thank you.
Thank you for your ministry. I get so much out of it every morning on my way to work. Could I get a copy of today’s poem?
Enjoyed Fridays program. How can I find a copy of the prayer you read written by the confederate soldier? Very moving.
Thank you,
I really enjoyed the prayer of the confederate soldier! Can you send me a copy of that in printed form?
I am interested in getting a copy of that poem on today’s program (the poem came from a soldier). Thanks
I enjoyed your story of the “white” Christmas this morning on my drive to work. I have never heard
that story before and would like to share it with my family at Christmas..is it possible that I could get a
print out of the story?
I appreciate your daily ministry.